Lots of Cherokees have compressors made by Sanden. They're in stock. Here is one that fits Sanden 508 compressors (which it'll say in the metal casting itself on the top surface of most Sanden compressors) https://www.amazon.com/Sanden-Compressor-Clutch-Serpentine-Natural/dp/B01DS6O15M
Here's the one that I got that's supposed to be a direct replacement for the one on my 2000 XJ, also in stock on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007ZUGBZG?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details The way I found that part number was I went onto Rockauto and saw they had 2 listings for AC Clutches (both out of stock) but I never order anything from Rockauto anyway. I just use that website to get the part number I need, then go look elsewhere. I just copied and pasted that part number into google and found somebody selling it on Amazon.
eBay is another good place to look too if you're hunting for parts. Just type a part number into eBay and some savvy seller on there will have advertised their part with that part number (or at least a cross referenced part number) and it'll pop up if it's out there. I always check 3 sites for parts: Rockauto versus eBay versus Amazon. I go with whatever is going to be the cheapest. Rockauto can sometimes really kill you on the shipping charges though.