Size requirements aside, I just want to say stay away from those cages with spring-loaded doors or “guillotine” style doors that slide up and down. Conures can get badly injured by them, and especially if they’re biting you as you try to put them back in their cage it’s easy for accidents to happen. You’re better off with the wrought iron type cages with normal side opening, NON SPRING LOADED, doors with a latch, like this:
Now for size, make sure the bars are about half inch spaced or smaller. Also it’s generally better to get a long cage vs a tall cage! I know it can sometimes be a nightmare to find one that fits all the requirements but the first one you should satisfy is the safety regarding door mechanism and bar spacing. Then satisfy overall size, and finally the ideal shape.
Looking at your link, the bar spacing is a tad big for my liking at 0.6” (ideally as I said I’d look at a MAX of 0.5”, less if possible), and I think the door may be spring loaded but I can’t tell for sure. The rooftop mechanism also doesn’t look the most secure.
If you haven’t found one yet, I’m buying this one