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leofwyen /r/SuperMorbidlyObese
2 points
1970-01-20 08:18:19.391 +0000 UTC

I used an elliptical with a weight limit of 275 when I weighed 360-380ish for several years and never had any serious issues. I'm sure it wasn't good for it but it didn't break right away. Only thing I noticed was a bit of a side to side rocking motion when using it but it wasn't disruptive. It was a name brand though.

The reviews on the one you linked don't look very good, lots of people saying its not durable and someone only 200 lbs saying it broke on them almost immediately. Most of the bad reviews are talking about pieces being broken and even some of the good ones talk about it being lightweight. I wouldn't trust it.

If you have facebook I'd highly recommend looking in the marketplace for a used machine over one of those amazon ones. People are always trying to get rid of unused machines when they have to move and you can probably find something much nicer for around the same price. If you're going to buy off amazon I've had good luck searching inside the product for reviews with keywords like 'sturdy', 'durable', 'solid' etc to find things that can support my weight.

This bike looks similar at around the same price point and is made of metal and looks more solid: https://www.amazon.com/DISPANK-Recumbent-Lightweight-Stationary-Resistance/dp/B08V8MST2J/ref=sr_1_27?crid=2S5B6AYNAC50Q&keywords=elliptical+machine&qid=1671499160&refinements=p_36%3A1253558011%2Cp_72%3A1248957011&rnid=1248955011&s=sporting-goods&sprefix=elliptical%2Csporting%2C187&sr=1-27

Or this one: https://www.amazon.com/leikefitness-Ultra-Quiet-Exercise-Magnetic-Assemble/dp/B07WG17PS5/ref=sr\_1\_67?crid=2S5B6AYNAC50Q&keywords=elliptical%2Bmachine&qid=1671499242&refinements=p\_36%3A1253558011%2Cp\_72%3A1248957011&rnid=1248955011&s=sporting-goods&sprefix=elliptical%2Csporting%2C187&sr=1-67&th=1