I bought 2 different kinds. In my 16 inch I got this 75W because the LED ring I put around the lip wouldn't let the bottle sit down all the way to the base and the 50W I bought before that wouldn't melt it anymore with the increased gap.
In my grande I got this 150W.
Like I said, both will need dimmers because they get too hot. In the 16 inch it's really hard to screw in. The neck is too narrow for the bulbs flared head. So I had to peel back half of the felt on the bottom and unscrew the rod from the base so I could pop the socket out enough to screw the bulb in. Because it's so narrow it kept melting the wiring to the inner LED ring so I have to give up on it and just use the outer ring on the lip.
Here's them finished though that vid still has 2 rings in the 16inch.