I came into electric fencing knowing absolutely nothing, and learned most of what I used to set mine up from a youtube channel called progressive forage. Their videos are longish and thorough, but pretty dummy proof, which is what I need. I can tell you that I feel Zareeba and TSC videos are garbage, and Zareeba products are garbage.
I went with a solar setup, it was easy.
The panel https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PWK9Z7Q/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
The fence charger https://cyclopsfence.com/collections/battery-powered-energizers/products/cyclops-stallion-2-5-joule-25-acre-12v-battery-powered-energizer
You'll need a nice battery, some ground rods, good quality fencing, tensioners, etc. Also you need to set your corners up to be strong or all of your hard work is going to go to waste when your fencing tips over. Do it right the first time, and with products like fence chargers, you get what you pay for.