I made my own. I have a pair of the half insert Tread Labs that I wear inside an ankle brace. It’s been a life-saver.
I put the ankle brace over my foot (no sock in summer, sock in winter; it works perfectly either way), then slide the insole through the open heel hole to place it inside the under foot strap. The ankle brace holds it in place perfectly and I can walk around without issue.
somebody in another thread said these are good for that. i plan on getting a pair myself soon. https://www.amazon.com/Neotech-Care-Ankle-Support-Sleeve/dp/B07QVXRHNX/ref=mp\_s\_a\_1\_33?crid=30ENU7140WPZQ&keywords=ankle%2Bbrace&qid=1681341749&sprefix=ankle%2B%2Caps%2C123&sr=8-33&th=1