the books i have:
*C++ 8th edition by Tony Gaddis amazon link
*C 8th edition by Paul & Harvey Deitel amazon link
*Schaum's Outline: Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists amazon link
the books i want:
*Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design (in SI units); ISBN 978-9339221638
*Machinery's Handbook; ISBN 978-0831130916
*Machine Shop Trade Secrets by James Harvey; ISBN 978-0831132279 or 978-0831134778 (prefer second edition)
*CNC Trade Secrets by James Harvey; ISBN 978-0831135027
you can PM me your offer and we'll negotiate from there :) note it doesnt really need to be a 1:1 trade. if you have other things in mind PM me anyway i might be interested
i'll delete the post when it's all out. thanks!