I bought graph paper the summer before I started taking math classes after Calc II, and I haven't opened the package yet. I had Number Theory, Calc III, Vector Calc, Abstract Algebra I and II, a Problem Solving course and Geometry and found no need for graph paper. I saw it for a dollar and thought it might be useful. If there's anything that needs a graph, I find that a sketch works just fine.
I'm kinda weird when it comes organization. Everything needs to be exactly where I want it (I'm one of those people). So what I do is separate the binder into sections with these exact Binder Tabs. I use this Binder. You may want to try a 2" binder though. The only reason I don't is that I don't want to carry the 2" binder around.
So there are 8 sections in the binder. My last section is for extra paper. The other 7 cover 3-4 classes. I use 2 sections for a math class: one for the notes and one for the homework and other problems. I date every sheet to make finding things easier. With the remaining section after 3 math classes, I will put a random humanity or philosophy class. They only need one section. Economics took only one section for me, but I had a really easy professor. I've never taken a programming course (until this upcoming fall), but most of my friends are computer science majors (why I'm on Reddit), and I've never seen any of them take notes for any computer science classes.
Upper level math courses are fun with the right professors. A horrible subject becomes fun with a good professor; a great subject becomes dreadful with a bitch. You'll need patience to succeed. It gets really frustrating sometimes.
Also, I'd like to add that one of my teachers took notes on a tablet instead of the whiteboard, and she posted them online. The notes looked nice and I'd recommend the tablet if you feel like spending the money. I don't like using tablets, and there are many hundreds of things I'd rather do with $300, so I just stick to paper.