Her response was, "I do not understand how anyone could not understand how to enjoy sex."
You're overthinking the issue; sex is something that every animal, every bug, every worm on the planet knows how to do. Put your brain in neutral, get naked, and have her touch you; you'll know what to do.
If you need a book, you're in luck; the Kindle version of "SEX: The Ultimate Guide For Men That Don't Have A Clue (Married Sex Book 1) " is only 99 cents https://www.amazon.com/SEX-Ultimate-Guide-That-Married-ebook/dp/B01M2BGLU1/ref=pd_sim_351_9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=SE2R2KNQM69GRWMT134P
The Kindle version of the "Joy of Sex" used to be free, but the price has gone back up.