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"Leg Avenue womens Hosiery Lace Thigh Highs"

Leg Avenue womens Hosiery Lace Thigh Highs
Leg Avenue womens Hosiery Lace Thigh Highs

100% Polyester

Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry
Novelty & More
Exotic Apparel

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1 comment of this product found across Reddit:
None+NZW40kKXVsgQ /r/PantyReviews4Men
3 points
1970-01-20 11:09:16.631 +0000 UTC

I’ve had pretty good luck with Legs Ave, I’m 6’2”. Usually I get the opaque stockings with the bows because they are a bit more durable than nylon or silk and they fit my long legs.


I also have several pairs of these lace stockings, but they’re a bit shorter


I’ve also had good luck with Secrets In Lace as far as sizing, but I got runs in them pretty quickly.