I went with the very affordable Baofeng option that was brought up in a thread a couple weeks ago. You can manually program it or program it from a computer using free software (/u/theman00 has been posting .csv files for all drivers/broadcast channels that you can upload directly, all at once). This radio IS a transceiver, but you can disable the transmission capabilities. 127 programmable channels that you can assign the driver or broadcaster names to. I used mine at the Indy 500 and it was great.
CHIRP is freeware that works really well for programming this and many other radios.
Amazon links below:
Note: Programming it with the USB can be finicky because Windows will continually try to update the driver to a newer version that isn't compatible with the chip. Its an easy fix, but you'll have to go into the device manager and roll back the driver to the older one. Instructions Here
Edit: added link to CHIRP software