if you have antenna ports, you definitely don't want a booster... just get some antennas. Either a panel antenna, or directional... I got these a few months back for $22 a piece (you need two) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00VUSR5GS/
find your nearest cell tower using cellmapper.net, that will get you pointed in the right ballpark direction, then you just need to fine-tune the way your antenna pair/panel is pointing while doing speedtest.net in between movements
I got that Waveform panel antenna /after/ I got my log-periodic kit from them, since I also have a ton of trees and also a small hill in the way, before my signal would head generally downhill to the tower in the valley. I found that the log-periodic ended up being better overall, but was glad to have the panel to swap out and check when things got bad (ended up just being weather dependent, and I ended up getting another hotspot from Verizon for backup). Luckily though when I got that second hotspot, I had the panel antenna to try things with, and then got some more $22 log-periodic from Amazon (the cheapest they sold). Again, weather dependent, the log-periodic were better for upload overall, but got knocked out when weird weather change hit. Also these are in my attic, so some 2x12s and plywood and shingles to obscure things vs. being on the roof which is where they're destined. In the weird weather, the panel gets more reliable performance, but less down speed, while upload stayed pretty much the same as before weather hit (which was, as I mentioned, slower than the log-periodics). So if anything, I'd recommend grabbing the Amazon antennas or similar, and just trying directional out (though you need to aim and retest a ton more... I spent a few hours for the ones on my roof). https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00VUSR5GS/