You'll pickup the CBS affiliate (which used to be based out of Bloomington) with one of those antennas, WTIU as well, as well as a few other stations, but none of the other big name stations.
No tv antenna on the market has a 200 mile range in actuality.
I currently use this antenna, and this pre-amp. Mounted on top of my house using a tripod and a 10 foot mast. I can pickup all of the Terre Haute stations, and several Louisville ones, but ABC, Fox, NBC in Indy are elusive at best. Here is my channel list as I write this comment.
The digital TV signals you are trying to receive are making two bounces off of the ground/atmosphere before they make it here. This is what causes all sorts of issues. If you want to learn more on this, may I recommend, it's a great resource.
May the odds be ever in your favor.
You should take another close look at the TV Fool report.
I see:
So your entire package of broadcast networks is at 266 degrees.
Use your iPhone compass app or install an Android compass app to point it exactly.
You'll need a VHF capable antenna to pull in WTHI, because channel 10 is VHF.
To start with something small, I'd recommend the Winegard 7694p.
If you want something strong, either the:
Let me know if you'd like roof mounting instructions.
The one you linked is HD7694P (45 miles, I worry that this may not be strong enough), did you mean to link Either way thanks for the info, I just wanted to make sure