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freedoomed /r/airbrush
1 point
1970-01-20 03:45:43.349 +0000 UTC

That's going to depend on your price range. you can get a master airbrush kit with a compressor pretty cheap but the compressor is going to be pretty bad and the airbrush will be serviceable at best. If you have a few hundred to spend i would recommend either an Iwata Neo, Iwata Revolution or a Badger Patriot 105. for a compressor i got a cheap one off amazon with a tank, it works great for occasional airbrushing but may not last if you are airbrushing daily. a larger needle may be the way to go as well if you are going to be painting large areas. spraygunner..com is also a good source for airbrush things.

https://www.amazon.com/Master-Airbrush-Multi-Purpose-Airbrushing-Compressor/dp/B00BF0MW9G https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M33C8MV https://www.amazon.com/NEO-Gravity-Feed-Action-Airbrush/dp/B004INERK4/ https://www.amazon.com/Badger-Air-Brush-Co-Patriot-Airbrush/dp/B002W84GTO/

Stoddd /r/Customsneakers
1 point
1970-01-19 09:49:00.332 +0000 UTC

there isn't a specific model you need, I've used their brand before it works fine but you're gonna need to get a motor to go along with it and I don't really recommend the master + motor set after a while the motor has to cool off and it only lets out air in spurts instead of being constant

(this is the set I'm talking about) https://www.amazon.com/compresor-Airbrush-VC16-B22-aerograf%C3%ADa-principiantes/dp/B00BF0MW9G/ref=sr_1_6?crid=1TOOUZTT6IFSI&dchild=1&keywords=master+airbrush&qid=1590540271&s=arts-crafts&sprefix=master+air%2Carts-crafts%2C163&sr=1-6