You’re arguing that freedom to roam would create an unsafe situation because you wouldn’t know who was where when shooting.
I'm not actually, I'm actually stating that liability and the safety of those who are wandering comes to be a problem...
Who is liable for the person on thier wandering, walking into a hole and making themselves die by a slow process because they're stuck and no-one actually knows they are there.
I merely used the shooting as a point, and a drastic one at that, but the overall point is much wider than trying to keep it to just that.
Am I responsible to fence off every possible 'hazard', know people will be able to navigate it day or night, because who says they aren't staying on the property to sleep, wake up, go take a piss?
Do I need to provide toilets? Am I expected to just deal with thier mess?
Am I liable if I come flying through somewhere on a dirtbike and just accidentally collect one of these guys on the front of my bike?
So much to ask for the mere 'Oh it'd be good if...' but I'm just being realistic.
(Edit -
Do I need to provide toilets? Am I expected to just deal with thier mess?
lol damnit....
Having written a book about pooping in the wild
That's just nuts....)