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8 comments of this product found across Reddit:
squint_91 /r/EngineBuilding
3 points
1970-01-20 04:21:07.904 +0000 UTC

I use this 3M quick latch respirator at home in the garage. You can drop it down to scratch your nose or take a drink or talk to someone and then go right back to what you're doing.


These organic vapor cartridges really cut down on chemical smell


overhead72 /r/metalworking
1 point
1970-01-19 23:22:41.649 +0000 UTC

I have one of those, the straps stretched out pretty quick. I use one of these:


tom_echo /r/harborfreight
1 point
1970-01-19 23:14:03.143 +0000 UTC

I’ve fit one under there, seems to work fine for me. Which respirator do you use?

I use this one https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IF7RCU6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_CBP19SF82TWY4PQP13DT

With the tiny flat filters https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009POHH94/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_4RJ4Q2A1B2RW3DSFNG0E

None+v3PrzzQHd3g4 /r/Outlier
6 points
1970-01-19 09:28:48.87 +0000 UTC

I have purchased several masks as well to check out construction. Some of the masks on your list are new to me so I've ordered some to evaluate (so thank you!)

A little background: my wife is a tailor and has been making me custom masks when she has time. I have a beard and I'm picky as hell so we're several iterations in and I'm still not happy. My favorite mask is one she made that is pleated, can accept a filter insert, has a nose bridge wire and is large enough to cover my face and beard. My glasses don't fog up when I wear it. It also makes me look like a ninja.

Like OP, I also tried the Los Angeles Apparel FACEMASK3 BUT found it to be too small to be comfortable or to stay in place especially when I talk. I bought some other cheaper masks that I found on FB from Garment Decor and they seemed to be about the same in construction and quality, although missing the nose bridge wire. I would say this mask meets the minimum acceptable criteria I look for in a mask - the wire is essential for people who wear glasses.

The most well constructed mask I've found is the Goodfight Mark I Reusable PPE Mask & N95 Cover. It's designed to fit over an optional N95 mask, accepts a filter (comes with instructions that have filter templates printed on the reverse) and has a nose bridge wire. It is a really good mask and fits even a large face like mine, my glasses don't fog when I wear it. It's a great mask made from what I believe is heavy cotton. The only thing I don't like is the appearance - the flat front is atypical among common mask designs and makes for a rather intimidating look but would be absolutely at home in an actual hospital.

Regarding the exhaust valve variants, we're not allowed to wear those in my county. Before they mandated that everyone wear masks I was wearing a 3M respirator (which fit great and got a good seal against my beard) and my wife and kids were wearing Vogmask masks with valves. All comfortable, great masks. We bought all that gear in prep for California fire season which it's still suited for.

blargher /r/Sacramento
2 points
1970-01-19 12:21:14.877 +0000 UTC

Your typical covid mask doesn't, but I have found P100s pretty effective:

Half Mask - https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00IF7RCU6/

P100 filters - https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00AEFCKKY/

ganduvo /r/WorcesterMA
3 points
1970-01-19 08:02:12.308 +0000 UTC

I also have a respirator you could borrow, but no filters, if u/Lathe_Time 's offer doesn't pan out. This model: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00IF7RCU6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_image?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Don't see any filters on amazon but you might have luck calling around big box stores or local hardware shops. DM me if you need it, I'm in town all weekend.

TheSheDM /r/3Dprinting
2 points
1970-01-20 12:44:30.13 +0000 UTC

I have this and recommend it as its very comfortable and I like the quick latch design.

I use it with 3M p100 filters