Here is the post for archival purposes: Author: mavensbot
Content: >Hi r/bitcoin ! As the title says, I’m
mavensbot and I created the [famous bitcoin Magic Internet Money
design]( that was the top reddit ad of
all time, around 4 years ago. My story is kind of a long one but to shorten it,
I was responsible for the price increase over $2,000 /s! I told Reddit my story
and both your moral support and comments made what this design is today. And I
have you guys to thank for that. >I’ve been thinking of a way to thank you
guys that doesn’t come off as shilling my t-shirt, and I know a lot of you
have been asking for an AMA — so here it is. Ask me about anything — not
just bitcoin or silkroad related stuff but about life and whatnot. I’m old
and full of wisdom. >Oh, also, /u/ferroh from
/u/hardleft121 will be joining me as a guest on this AMA.
Make sure to support them! >Also here is the Magic Internet Money t-shirt on
buy them for your friends and enemies.
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2017-06-02 08:28:01.327808
This is the final update to this thread