Chiller: (USA) for the rest with a freight forwarder Too much $$ haha. I tried to buy from to a freight forward but they kept canceling my order. So I had to pay a bit extra.
The Toys R Us exclusive is obviously higher prices by scalpers.
The Discover packs are retail price
Edit: now delivers the Discover Full set 3 & 4 to Australia. Free shipping with Prime. Cheaper than buying in USD and freight forward. Search "dropmix discover" on amazon AU.
You will still need to buy the Target and ToysRUs exclusive from EBay or Amazon USA as the Amazon AU sellers are really high prices.
Both Series 3 & Series 4 are back in stock as of this morning; after I just bought one of each, there are 18 left of Series 3 and 10 left of Series 4.
Series 3 -
Series 4 -
(edited to add links)
We're working on getting more back in stock. That being said, be sure to check around other online and local retails for them!
With that said, I recommend ordering the combined Series 1 + 2 pack from via this link. The description is wrong - it says 5 cards but it is the complete set. The shipping time is also misleading - I got mine the very next day.
As for series 3 and 4, they have only ever been available via Amazon and Hasbro Toy Shop. Both are currently out on Amazon, and Hasbro Toy Shop only has 3, so unless you want to brave the resellers on eBay, you can't get 4 at the moment.
In case you want to watch them - here's the links to the out of stock Amazon products:
Series 3:
Series 4:
They are getting more out, slowly but surely. Within the past week or so, the first playlist cases with Lucky included finally started showing up at locations other than Hasbro Toy Shop, Amazon, and Target.
Good luck in your search for cards! Ships to UK (only two sellers here presently)
58 sellers of this, some do ship to UK just have to hunt.
21 sellers plus amazon stock this.
I used these guys for series 3 no presently in stock but keep watch!