I just searched puzzle toys on Amazon, this is his absolute favorite- https://www.amazon.com/Trixie-Mad-Scientist-Dogs-Level/dp/B003TOKTEG/ref=sr_1_37?dchild=1&keywords=dog+puzzle+toy&qid=1632438422&sr=8-37
We have some others that have him unlock little treat drawers and pull them he likes too. When he's high energy this helps calm him just like a run in the yard would.
My maltese LOVE this!
My boy will do all the work turning it while my girl sits on the other side and grabs all the treats.
Same problem we had with our 1 yo girl! We recently bought her these puzzle toys, and she’s been loving them! We mix some treats and kibble and she goes crazy for them:
We got this one for our golden during that time. I filled it with treats, set it on the ground..
and watched him flip the entire thing over so that all of the puzzle pieces fell out and he got the delicious treats.
My advice? get a busy buddy (just watch your shins, when they start swinging it it's like a mace). My boy loves it.
I've thought about getting one of these, but I haven't been able to see one in person to tell if he'd knock it over or not.