I've found this model to be both convenient and accurate. Only $21. I've been using it on my flat-top for 2 years, and it works great in the Ooni Koda 16 too. Max temp is 1130F/610C.
These are the ones that get posted the most:
We have the same one, it works well.
CAGE - Get a "Large" Reptibreeze (www.petmountain.com/product/reptile-cages-terrariums/11442-517285/zoo-med-zoo-med-reptibreeze-open-air-black-aluminum) then purchase the 48" dragon strand once he's about 5-6 months.
LIGHTING - You'll want a 30" hood (http://www.petmountain.com/product/reptile-hoods/11442-517291/zoo-med-zoo-med-reptisun-terrarium-hood.html) with a 24" T8 10.0 bulb (http://www.petmountain.com/product/reptile-fluorescent-bulbs/11442-504983/zoo-med-zoo-med-reptisun-10-0-uvb-fluorescent-bulb.html). Some people will tell you T5 HO 5.0 but the 10.0 offers more "sun" than the T5 HO 5.0. You might ask, "why not get a T5 HO 10.0?" and the answer is, it's too strong. You'll also want a 8.5" deep dome fixture (http://www.petmountain.com/product/bird-lighting/11442-513264/zoo-med-zoo-med-deep-dome-lamp-fixture.html) for basking. You'll want to upgrade to a 10.5" (Fluker's Deep Dome) once you get a bigger cage. You'll also want these bulbs for the basking light: http://m.homedepot.com/p/Philips-65-Watt-Incandescent-BR30-Indoor-Flood-Light-Bulb-3-Pack-429472/100476602. The basking branch should be 7-9" from the top of the cage. You are looking for temperatures of 83-85.
TEMPERATURE GUN - I use this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00DMI632G/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1475443301&sr=8-1&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=temperature+gun&dpPl=1&dpID=51cU2-XDPiL&ref=plSrch. You'll want one of these to be able to easily temp areas around the cage, especially the basking spot.
WATERING - A lot of people around here will tell you to use a glass of water but I choose to use a quality misting system instead. A quality misting system not only provides hydration, it helps provide consistent humidity, and hygiene (cleans skin and eyes). Here's a really good system at a really good price -http://www.climist.com/climist-cyclone-misting-system.html. You might want to buy a 2nd nozzle (http://www.climist.com/climist-tee-single-tip-twister-misting-assembly.html) for creating a nice "rain-like" effect. Also, be sure to use distilled water.
PLANTS - The best plants to use are live plants. Pothos is the best plant you can purchase as it is very easy to maintain and produces lots of vines. You can also use Scheflerra and Ficus. Scheflerra I haven't had much luck with and I haven't used Ficus. All of these eplants can be purchase at Home Depot or Lowe's. After purchasing you need to wash the leaves lead side down in a bucket of water and mild soap ( a few drops of Dawn) You will also want to wash out the roots in clean water until all of the dirt and fertilizer is gone. Then replant them in a mixute of 1/3 too soil, 1/3 peat moss and 1/3 play sand. Be sure that none of these contain fertilizers or pesticides.
BRANCHES - Bamboo is acceptable but most people use hardwood dowel rods purchased from either Home Depot or Lowe's. Make sure they are untreated. If you choose this option, you'll want 1/2" diameter. You can also purchase "Large" bendable vines (http://www.petmountain.com/product/artificial-wood-vines/11442-501994/hagen-exo-terra-bendable-jungle-vine.html) to fill in the space that you can't get with dowl rods. I personally use sandblasted manzanita branches for all of my space.
FEEDERS - You can start variety at a very young age. Crickets (1/4"), Dubia (Small), Super worms (Small), BSF Larva (Small), Wax worms (Small) can all be fed at that age. Horn worms and Silk worms grow too fast that they would be too large within 3-5 days. You'll want to gutload all of your feeders 24 hours before feeding them off. I personally use Bug Burger (https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00DLI6H6E/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1475442389&sr=8-1&keywords=bug+burger&pi=SY200_QL40&dpPl=1&dpID=51DgAhWy7KL&ref=plSrch) collard greens, dandelion greens, arugala, orange RIND (RIND only, VERY important), apple, and sweet potato. There is also plenty of other veggies to feed by these are my "go to". Avoid fruit. The added sugar is not good. I keep all of my staple feeders (dubia and crickets) in 55 or 65 quart (not sure which one it is) plastic bins. I keep my superworms in a large "hermit crab carrier". The wax worms, silk worms, horn worms and BSF larva can all be kept in the containers they come in.
GAUGES - I use this thermometer/hydrometer: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00069ECFY/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1475442574&sr=8-1&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=extech+thermometer&dpPl=1&dpID=51%2B0CGMtqrL&ref=plSrch
TIMER - I use this digital timer, Some people prefer the mechanical versions: http://m.homedepot.com/p/Defiant-15-Amp-7-Day-Plug-In-2-Outlet-Digital-Timer-49808/203678095 It's pretty simple to set up. Basically plug a power strip into it and follow the directions that come with it.
Hope all of this helps. Also, please take the time to research eveything I've said and why I've said it. Don't just jump into the chameleon world without doing a TON of research. It WILL lead to an unhealthy chameleon.
You can find third party accessories that are just fine. The basics you need, in my opinion, are peels for launching and pulling, a rotating peel and a thermometer. Below are not the exact products I use, but they are basically the same. Make sure to size them for your oven and do your own research!
Here's what I want to know - why is there an identical one under a different brand name? Is it just a scenario where some Chinese factory makes it and whoever wants to market it can slap their name on it?
(code worked for me, btw)
Edit: the bad reviews mostly seem to be about how inaccurate it is. It's so tempting, because I've wanted one of these since I saw Alton Brown use one years ago, but I think I'll pass.
Buy a 20$ temp gun on amazon here, also when using it, point the gauge at the bottom of the nail (flat bottom ideally).
When you are ready to upgrade, just drop 250$ on the dabrite and call it a day. Poseable arm weeks long battery, silicone on the gauge and it's calibrated to either temp regular quartz or opague quartz.