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enyardreems /r/watercolor101
1 point
1970-01-20 03:29:28.489 +0000 UTC

The common problem with most student grade watercolor is light fastness. Another consideration is transparency as most use high amounts of "filler" making the paint chalky.

Van Gogh Pocket Box 12+3. I bought this set for the travel box. Specifically because the pans have a tiny surround which helps keep the colors from cross contaminating. I had planned to replace the colors with pro Daniel Smith and M.Graham colors, but after working with this set, I am perfectly happy with the paint too. Research indicates the colors are pretty light fast. 2 yrs later, I have no problems with fading. The colors included are perfect for a beginner. All are commonly used colors so that if you are following a mixing tutorial, you won't have to spend hours trying to figure out which colors are similar. The included brush is good quality. I think I paid $30 for this set which is now $17.50. Tempted to buy another!


Other recommendations:

Sennelier La Petite Aquarelle is another undervalued "student grade" paint. Sennelier states on their website that these are the same formulation as their professional only less pigmented. Still using some of this set 6 years later and I can assure you they lack nothing in pigment. Sennelier is famous for their transparency. The colors are bright and beautiful.

Daniel Smith 6 color mixing set. (professional grade) WARNING: Daniel Smith paint is addictive. And expensive!

M. Graham 10 color mixing set by Steve Mitchell. (professional grade) Excellent quality paint.

I don't know what paper you are currently using, but you will need to consider watercolor paper. A lot of urban sketchers use hot press because it is smoother to draw on. Check out Ian Fennelly. I highly recommend Arches but we starving artists can't always afford it. Strathmore 500 (100% cotton) is a decent affordable paper. Recently got a Paul Rubens hot press sketchbook (100% cotton) which isn't bad either.

If you haven't, check out "Look at That" by Bobbie Herron. She does such an amazing job of outlining the minimal tools for plein air and the most excellent tricks to using them! You can do the Kindle free trial to read it, but it is totally worth buying because you will want to re-read it many times. It is a game changer especially if you are just starting to get into urban sketching.

Hope this helps and good luck to you!

roseofultramarine /r/Watercolor
2 points
1970-01-20 00:35:58.717 +0000 UTC

I do like Winsor and Newton Cotman sketcher’s set and I feel that their formula is much more user friendly than years past. However lots of people say that Van Gogh watercolors are better than Cotman, though I haven’t tried them myself. This set of 12+3 is right at $30.


enyardreems /r/watercolor101
1 point
1970-01-19 23:22:48.359 +0000 UTC

Welllllllll, since you are going for top of the line Arches watercolor paper here, I'm just going to make a couple of recommendations.
First of all, let me just say I think that HIMI set is the most adorable thing ever~! I want it so bad just for the cuteness of it. I will probably get it at some point just to refill the pans with professional watercolor. Take a look at this Van Gogh, it has 15 of the most perfect gorgeous colors for learning. (the right colors make it easier to follow tutorials, mixing guides, etc.) The set is student grade (by Royal Talens) but has good colorfastness ratings. I can verify this set is just lovely to work with. The travel palette is amazing.

Sennelier also has a "near artist grade" set of 24 colors: https://www.amazon.com/Sennelier-Petite-Aquarelle-Watercolor-Paint/dp/B01F47044A/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=sennelier+la+petite+aquarelle&qid=1639366405&s=arts-crafts&sr=1-1

Both sets are said to be the companies' artist grade just less concentrated. I've used both and they are extremely concentrated and bright.

As for the metallic set, this is a fantastic gift idea because sometimes you just need to sprinkle a little "fairy dust" on it!!! Seriously though, everybody needs some sparkle in their artwork. Check this one by Paul Rubens: https://www.amazon.com/Paul-Rubens-Watercolor-Paints-Glitter-Colors-Pink/dp/B07DJ9MH57/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=paul%2Brubens%2Bmetallic%2B12%2Bcolor%2Bset&qid=1639366707&s=arts-crafts&sr=1-1&th=1

It has more colors and also the pink metal tin cuteness factor. The paint in this set can be used standalone or as accent.

If you particularly wanted to add waterbrushes I recommend the 2-pack by Pentel. These are considered excellent by most artists who use them. You can get some really crappy waterbrushes (as well as other things) in the pre-packaged sets. The waterbrushes are too much fun not to have good ones.
Excellent choice on the Kolinsky brush set, I just tossed that one into my shopping cart...

If you need more recommendations, hit me up! Let us know how she likes whatever you choose :)