Hey there! I have the same setup and got it just recently too. It says to change the settings for your auber to accommodate the nail being 200w instead of 150w but this is only to allow the nail to heat up slightly faster. However when I tried this setting, my nail would not go beyond a certain temp no matter what I set the temp to. Changing this back to the default oth according to auber default is 100 helped fix my issue. I did notice that the guide on 710 that talks about changing the auber settings refers to changing the default value but there it is a number different than 100.
Tl;dr: changing oth settings not only didn't help me, it made my nail not function correctly. I will add the additional caveat that I have fine tuned some of my own settings but only with a lot of settings and the use of a thermocouple as well as terpometer. Honestly though I don't think my changes make much of a difference in terms of making the experience better as the device retains set temperature very well.
Here are my tips:
1) Like superdang9000 said, qtip after each dab, use iso in a dropper to put a little iso on a q tip and a little even in the banger if you forget to clean the banger so it doesn't lead to buildup. I forget all the time even when I try to swab every time. Dropper bottle makes this painless. Something like this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06WVBDGY4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
2) getting the quartz inserts from 710 was a gamechanger for me in terms of maintenance because I don't have to take the enail off the banger meaning I can put the insert in some iso then rinse with hot water while using a sponge for a very fast and easy cleaning process.
3) Use melamine sponges (magic eraser sponges). I got the ones here and I break them into smaller parts when using them to clean tough spots. I always like to have it pristine as possible if I am going to clean in the first place. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076Q7JHR2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
4) Glob mops are by far my favorite q tip to use so far because they can truly be used multiple times by pulling off the used cotton since they are extra thicc and so far none have snapped on me which is what really pushes them into a recommendation in of themselves.