Book: Autobiography of an Execution
Author: David R. Dow
Genre: Nonfiction
Topics: Death penalty / lawyers / family life with a demanding career
Length: 288 pages / 4 hours of reading / 2 sittings
Brief synopsis: Dow is a father and an attorney for clients on death row, and in this book he writes about fatherhood and representing Henry Quaker, an inmate who maintains his innocence for the crime for which he is accused.
How I Read It: Public library Libby for Kindle
My rating: 10/10
Goodreads 3.97 Stars
Audible Link
Book: Things I’ve Learned from Dying
Author: David R. Dow
Genre: Nonfiction
Topics: Death penalty / lawyers / family life with a demanding career
Length: 289 pages / 4 hours of reading / 2 sittings
How I Read It: Public library Libby for Kindle
Brief synopsis: Dow weaves together a seamless and compelling story about representing clients on death row, being a father, and watching his father in law struggle with a terminal illness.
My rating: 10/10
Note: Title sounds depressing, but really isn’t. I recommend reading ‘Things I’ve Learned from Dying’ first and then ‘Autobiography of an Execution.’ I came into this book relatively ambivalent about capital punishment, but this book really opened my horizons.
Goodreads 4.1 Stars
Audible Link