That is fair enough. Maybe, do you think, that it is fair enough to say that there were always crazy beliefs floating around sparked on by Dr Oz and an absolute flotilla of bullshit artists that have slowly chipped away at the trust in the scientific method until the point that something has come along to unite their views enough that we have truly appreciated the problem? We have fucked ourselves by thinking Meghan down the street with her quartz is a harmless idiot.
Yeah sure, intelligent people have said they buy into it too but its a destination led to by many paths. Maybe those intelligent folk don't believe it as much as we think.
If you have prime, I really want to have this conversation but could you watch at least the first 20 minutes of This Land is My Land and tell me what you think about these guys? If you don't, its fine. I just really care about this conversation.
When did this become serious? -,*
This Land is My Land -,*
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Maybe, do you think, that it is fair enough to say that there were always crazy beliefs floating around sparked on by Dr Oz and an absolute flotilla of bullshit artists that have slowly chipped away at the trust in the scientific method until the point that something has come along to unite their views enough that we have truly appreciated the problem?
That's certainly part of it, but I wouldn't limit it to just folks like Dr Oz. There's an entire rich ecosystem of bullshit that all coalesced to create the background for Q.
Yeah sure, intelligent people have said they buy into it too but its a destination led to by many paths. Maybe those intelligent folk don't believe it as much as we think.
Perhaps some don't, but remember, there isn't some unified trait called "Intelligence" that people simply have more or less of to begin with. It's much more complex than that. People have blind spots and phycological weaknesses.
If you have prime, I really want to have this conversation but could you watch at least the first 20 minutes of This Land is My Land and tell me what you think about these guys? If you don't, its fine. I just really care about this conversation.
Sure what the hell. I might have some time later. I'll get back to you maybe.