This is what I used to set all my WLED's up.
HiLetgo 3pcs ESP8266
WS2812B Addressable LED Strip Lights 5V 60 LEDs/Pixels/M
ALITOVE 5V 20A 100W AC to DC Power Supply
EDGELEC 120pcs Breadboard Jumper Wires
I ordered this one:
It's the 3.1 version, and it works fine for me. I would try re-flashing the firmware maybe?
Since it came with the extension cable, all I did was swap the short cable on the BLTouch (it shipped already connected) with the extension cable, then I grabbed some male-to-male breadboard jumper cables, matched the wires up by color to the dupont connectors on the BLTouch extension cable, then attached the short BLTouch cable to the other end of the jumpers, again matching up the colors.
I got the L10 pro. Do I nee to get male ended dupont cables to plug into the robot? The guide says the pitch is 2mm on the Dreame. Would the male pins from these cables work or are they too big? Sorry this is my first time working with dupont cables / jumper wires so I'm not too familiar with how things fit.