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"CVLIFE 1X22X33 Red Green Dot Gun Sight Scope Reflex Sight with 20mm Rail"

CVLIFE 1X22X33 Red Green Dot Gun Sight Scope Reflex Sight with 20mm Rail
CVLIFE 1X22X33 Red Green Dot Gun Sight Scope Reflex Sight with 20mm Rail

Tubeless design with 33mm reflex lens aperture provides a wide field of view, suitable for rapid-firing or shooting of moving targets besides normal shooting

Sports & Outdoors
Sights & Optics
Gun Sights

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3 comments of this product found across Reddit:
Erik098 /r/guns
0 points
1970-01-18 20:01:01.382 +0000 UTC

I have bought a few and all have worked and held zero. That said they are all range guns, so they aren't tossed around or abused.

This one has worked well for a couple of my AR pistols. The other CVLife, and Brownell sights have worked equally well in my experience.

Edit: After a brief look on Amazon, the Fyland, Dagger Defense, and similar ones should all work just the same. They all roll off the same Chinese factory line.

SydneyMain123 /r/warface
1 point
1970-01-20 09:31:22.304 +0000 UTC

Its like 26 bucks and would never last in irl combat https://www.amazon.com/CVLIFE-1X22X33-Green-Sight-Reflex/dp/B00A36MKUO

None+AQa1S6XEMxpt /r/airsoftmarket
1 point
1970-01-19 23:44:13.548 +0000 UTC

Hey I just bought one works amazing

CVLIFE 1X22X33 Red Green Dot Gun Sight Scope Reflex Sight with 20mm Rail https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A36MKUO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_CHQQGCFY4H2P2KRJDSS3