It's possible it will contain asbestos. The only way to definitively know is by microscopic analysis. That said, while soapstone which is a talc-schist, high in magnesium it typically can contain amphibole group asbestos.
Yes, you can touch any rock with asbestos with your bare hands. Some will experience a condition called asbestos warts if one of the fibres lodges into your skin but this never happened to me.
If the stone is raw, there may be a small chance of exposure but grinding it will exponentially increase exposure risk, should there be asbestos in the rock. Wear a P3 or P100 half mask respirator to protect yourself at the very least.
China has very loose asbestos regulations if any. Depend more on a lab over importation regulations in Germany to control asbestos in a rock like you have purchased.
I have written extensively about asbestos, identification and exposure. Please read my ebook if you want more detailed guides for small diy projects that involve asbestos to further protect yourself. Stay safe.