I searched on amazon and it came up littlenover last year. No name on it, but they had 3 different verison for old school phones, tablets, and iphone x(has no borders). I got the iphone x version and it was called PUBG R9C Triggers. I searched for it recently and they made an updated one, but i dont feel confident in buying it. The flip up springs/trigger were a bad design choice.
This link is the one. If you click on their different choice then you will see the new version https://www.amazon.com/PUBG-Controller-iPad-Tablet-Smartphone/dp/B07T615S6X/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=pubg%2Btrigger%2Bgrip&qid=1567977839&s=gateway&sr=8-3&th=1&psc=1