I honestly have no idea.
I just lost 3 of my 4 pisana and they were all deeply retracting. I ordered this “kit” off Amazon (Snail's First Aid Complete Pack. Pet Snail Emergency Care Kit for Giant African Land Snails, Helix Pomatia (Escargot or Roman Snails), Aspersa, etc https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08LHHGWT3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_615SV14RM64738D9PNH9) when I first got snails, thinking it might be helpful to have on hand but never actually used it until the other day.
My pisana is back to his old self! So happy I tried it! I did adjust the time boiling the tea and how much I diluted it based on my snail’s size (which is what I used above) since it was made for GALS and I didn’t want it to be too strong.
It was basically a last ditch effort to save my snail and I’m thankful it worked. It even says you can use it monthly to help their immune system but like I said, no links to scientific studies or anything.