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3 comments of this product found across Reddit:
anonymous1184 /r/AutoHotkey
2 points
1970-01-20 12:11:19.701 +0000 UTC

I remember answering that :D


Answer remains the same(-ish), but now covers dp or gp and product if found:


I used the old link for reference:

urls := ["https://www.amazon.com/Lenovo-IdeaPad-17IML05-Notebook-81WC0015US/dp/B08FMD9FK5/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&qid=1631950075&refinements=p_n_feature_twenty-two_browse-bin%3A23447271011%2Cp_89%3ALenovo%2Cp_36%3A2421890011%2Cp_n_size_browse-bin%3A7817234011%2Cp_n_feature_four_browse-bin%3A2289792011&rnid=676578011&s=pc&sr=1-2"
    ,    "https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0713WPGLL/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1"]
for _, url in urls {
    RegExMatch(url, "\/[dg]p\/(product\/)?\w+", linkId)
    MsgBox 0x40,, % "http://amazon.com" linkId
dgaff21 /r/storage
1 point
1970-01-18 18:38:55.976 +0000 UTC

Thanks for these answers, but I guess I didn't make it clear what what needed. Basically their main computer has either a massive SATA drive or just uses external hard drives connected via USB (my guess would be large external hard drives), while the DJ computers are all laptops that have very little data actually stored on them, and pull all songs/videos from the external hard drives that should all be updated weekly, and they have a lot of these external hard drives.

From what you linked those look like great solutions for cloning internal drives but a)I don't think the owners would be comfortable removing the internal drives and b) we're talking about over 4 TB of data and I don't know of many laptops that have that type of internal storage.

If I was reading those products incorrectly please let me know but it seemed like they wouldn't work for a typical external hard drive cloning. Like WD 4TB Elements Portable External Hard Drive - USB 3.0 - WDBU6Y0040BBK-WESN https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0713WPGLL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_wuiJBb4Z7FANR is the most common way they transport the music to the venues. Then the plug it into the laptop and it's good to go.

Death-T /r/ps3homebrew
1 point
1970-01-19 16:44:52.876 +0000 UTC

So I think I might settle for 4TB instead of 8TB. To be clear, you're saying this WD 4 TB Elements HDD will work with Super Slim PS3 Hen? And the hard drive comes with the program to format it correctly?


PS: You can pay 7 more dollars for a 5TB WD Elements HD, should that work too? And to be clear, "works" to me means that all 4/5 TB is accessible and not just 2TB of it.