For anyone curious, these are the steps I took that I believe helped get the plant to where it’s at:
1) 24-hour light. As the plant grew I’d add another lamp with a bulb pointing directly at each of the large leaves from 12”~ away. These are the bulbs I use:
2) 50% potting soil and 50% pumice. I’ve found that doing this improves drainage tremendously and I suspect that helping get air to the roots also helps the plant. These are the soil and pumice that I use:,
3) use a pot with a drainage hole and repot relatively frequently, before the plant gets rootbound. I used terracotta until I couldn’t find pots large enough because my goal was to help the soil dry out as quickly as possible.
4) water twice a week when small (6” pot or less) and slow to 1x a week as the plant fills out an 8”-10” pot. Once I put the plant into a 14.5” pot the watering frequency slowed to every 10-14 days or so. I used a basic hygrometer to give me an idea how moist the soil was. I wouldn’t water until the soil was dry as deep as the hygrometer would measure. Soak the soil with water and allow to drain thoroughly.
5) fish emulsion fertilizer, once a month or so.
It’s worth noting that I believe doing all of this will result in the plant growing so fast that it’ll become rootbound regardless of the size of pot you put it into. I repotted mine from a 10” pot to a 14.5” pot in August 2021 and within 4-6 months it became sufficiently rootbound to start yellowing and then browning the tips of all of the older leaves on the plant. The new leaves are still healthy as are the newest 2-3 leaves, so my plan is to cut the stem of the plant after the newest 3 leaves and separate the roots. I’ll probably separate the remaining nodes and see if I can get any large leaves to grow from them. Going forward I will do this periodically since my goal is to have a plant with only a few giant leaves and not a huge bush that takes up half of a room.