I understand. I 100% believe that you can find a similar product for a lot less right now. The RLT device industry has become a lot more affordable since then.
He has a blog that goes into a lot of detail about the consumer technology. You'll also see products. He also comments on what he thinks are the best lower priced (under $50) options - https://gembared.com/blogs/musings/the-best-red-light-therapy-bulbs-on-amazon-ultimate-review
If you only need to treat a small area and are mostly unconcerned with radiation (as I am) you can get an LED lamp that has tested output of 41mw/cm2, 660nm for $35. https://www.amazon.com/ABI-Light-Therapy-660nm-Infrared/dp/B07SH39YT4
I think you'll be able to find a very reasonable product without balancing your budget.