I have a few ideas you may want to consider.
You mentioned gummi worm gagh, and I thought of some other food items you may want to include as well. There's hasperat (spicy burritos), jumja sticks (a possibly frozen fruit concoction on a stick), and yamok sauce (maybe a form of soy or yum yum sauce). I know that most people aren't big Enterprise fans, but if you could include a pecan pie or two (Trip's favorite) or maybe a dessert with pineapple (Reed's favorite), that would be cool as well. You can always search for "Star Trek recipes" and you're guaranteed to find something if you're at a loss for ideas.
Now this one is a little bit on the expensive side, but you may want to consider getting the Star Trek Scene It? game, either the regular edition or the deluxe one. I've found it to be a pretty fun party game, as you can work in teams to answer questions. It also has a bunch of questions you can answer without ever having seen any of the shows/movies. For instance, they'll show you a clip from one of the shows, and then ask you a question about the clip you've just seen. However, they do have trivia questions that only someone who's seen the shows would know, so you may want to keep that in mind.
You may want to make a few PADDs (made out of cardboard or something similar) to place around the room with various things written on them. You can either put simple things like "Live long and prosper" on them, or if you're up to doing a bit more, you can look up some various captain's logs from the different shows and put some of the text from those on them. Alternatively, if you're feeling adventurous, you can put your own "missions" on them.
You can easily make a fake bat'leth or two out of some cardboard, and then paint them and hang them up. If you make them out of a somewhat more durable substance, you can even have some one on one battles! Though I'm not responsible for any decapitations :)
Depending on how creative you feel, you can make some different phasers and tricorders. These kinds of phasers and tricorders could probably just be made from foam or balsa wood and painted accordingly.
I think it'd be cool to have Geordi's VISOR somewhere (which you can make with a headband), and maybe either Spock's Vulcan lute or Picard's flute (made with some combination of foam, string, wood, etc.).
Finally, you could possibly have a little something to represent each of the captains/shows there. One idea would be to include something to represent each of the captains' favorite pastimes: a baseball for Sisko, a book of Shakespeare for Picard, a water polo ball for Archer, etc. Alternatively, each of their favorite drinks could be present: coffee, earl grey tea, passion fruit iced tea, etc. I know these are kind of small things, but sometimes the smaller details can make the whole thing come together.
Obviously, I realize you probably won't use all of these ideas, either because of monetary or time-consuming reasons. I just wanted to give you a variety of things to choose from.
Good luck with your party!