I use a cheap lamp timer in the winter so that a lamp in my bedroom comes on a few minutes before the alarm. That way, the room is light when my eyes open and it's easier to get out of bed. (A psychiatrist friend suggested this to me as an alternative to an expensive dawn simulator.)
Then I go downstairs, make coffee, and a have a huddle with my Daylight. (You can read more about light therapy and do a self-assessment The Center for Environmental Therapeutics.) Last winter was my first with the Daylight; I feel like it helped my seasonal depression a lot.
Late to the party, but I use a carex daylight classic. I tend to sit under it a bit mostly. IIRC, distance is 18 inches for 10,000 lux, but I could be wrong. Had it for years.
Carex Day-Light Classic Bright Light Therapy Lamp - 10000 LUX - Sun Lamp Mood Light https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0009MFUWC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_lze8Bb1GAZWHS
I found this model in the chronotherapeutics handbook so it's legit according to "science" although the model is at least decade old. I have this model myself and it's portable and I can use it in bed without needing to get up (waking is difficult if you're depressed as you probably know).