For those who want to know, I was able to find self tapping stainless screws at menards and amazon as well as mcmaster carr, bolt depot and jamestown distributors. Since they were inexpensive I ordered screws from amazon as well as buying some from menards. The amazon screws are 410 but for my application (freshwater only) they should be fine. The ones from menards don't specify but are probably the same. I was surprised at the selection at menards vs lowes and home depot. Its not worth the trip to those two. The screws from bolt depot are also 410. Id say that leaves jamestown and mcmaster carr plus maybe any other boat specific store for 316 stainless but I think these will work fine they look like quality screws. I will check them from time to time. (350pcs)#8X3/4"Phillips Pan Head Self Drilling Screws, Self Tapping Sheet Metal Screws - 410 Stainless Steel
Jetovo 100 Pack 410 Stainless Steel Wafer Head Phillips Self Drilling Screws Sheet Metal Tek Screws, Modified Truss Head Self Driller - Size: #8 x 1"