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2 comments of this product found across Reddit:
FernandoCallentoni /r/AnyCubicPhotonMonoX
1 point
1970-01-19 20:19:25.868 +0000 UTC

I would advice this one:


Is not available on amazon.de but they send it worldwide. nFEP works better for me on my Mono X than regular FEP.

xxemokid213xx /r/AnyCubicPhotonMonoX
2 points
1970-01-19 21:08:41.529 +0000 UTC

EPAX E10 X10 nFEP Film for 10.1" 3D Resin Printer, Size 295x210mm, One Film https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08PQ4SCT3/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_NTJDBVTXN4CKWT3H877V?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1