Here are some individually addressable pixels in a fairy light-style string with a DMX controller to go with em; just power them all with a 5v supply.
So the tape you linked is addressable tape, so each LED has it's own dimmer and control circuit. The four connections it uses are a DC voltage + and -, and then a data input. The integrated circuits and dimmers decode the data signal and then vary the voltage going to the LED's.
The decoder you link is for up to four channel tape, e.g. RGBW tape, where the whole length of the tape is controlled together.
Depending on which way you want it, you would use either a controller which takes in dmx/artnet/sACN and outputs a ws2812 data signal, or use tape which is non-addressable and has whatever colour profile you're happy with. Depends what you want to do with the tape.
It sounds like you're planning to use non-addressable RGB strips. If so, I can recommend this inexpensive DMX decoder, which can drive four RGB strips. I used a bunch for a project last year, and didn't have any issues with them. And here's another DMX decoder I've used that can handle one addressable strip (like WS2812b or WS2811) and 5 channels for non-addressable strip.
I've had good luck with LED strips purchased from Amazon, mostly from these suppliers: Alitove and BTF-Lighting.
There are similar sized DMX pixel controllers on amazon—search for "DMX SPI Decoder," there should be a few different models/sizes in the $25-35 range.