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None+kCszqhIoiYrX /r/poodles
2 points
1970-01-20 05:08:53.654 +0000 UTC

I am not sure what you are using to clean ears and do not have a homeopathic solution as all the ones I tried did not work. This ear cleaner when I got it from the vet the first time is a game changer. Ear Cleaner that I use for my dogs both when they have funky ears and for maintenance to keep them from getting gunky (plus cheaper generics): https://www.amazon.com/Mal-Ket-TrizEDTA-Flush-Dechra/dp/B019WY40FK/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=3UQMZTVFTX4Y4&keywords=mal-a-ket%2Bplus%2Btrizedta%2Bflush&qid=1552329384&s=pet-supplies&sprefix=Mal-A-Ket%2BPlus%2Cpets%2C166&sr=1-1&pldnSite=1&th=1&psc=1. Or Vet Basics ChlorConazole Ear Flush | Revival Animal Health or https://smile.amazon.com/VETNIQUE-LABS-Oticbliss-Anti-Bacterial-Anti-Fungal/dp/B08NTSMX2N/ref=sr\_1\_7?dchild=1&keywords=KETOCONAZOLE+and+CHLORHEXIDINE+ear+cleaner&qid=1627581180&s=pet-supplies&sr=1-7 or Amazon.com : Pet Health Pharma Medicated Flush for Dogs & Cats Chlorhexidine Gluconate 0.2% and Ketoconazole 0.2%-Aloe Vera, Clear The Ear, Head Shaking (Made U.S.A) (12 Oz) : Pet Supplies

I use non-woven sponges to wipe the ears out: https://smile.amazon.com/Dynarex-Non-Sterile-Woven-Sponge-Count/dp/B0013TXDNI/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2P0CGX6GN6Q6X&keywords=non+woven+sponges+4x4&qid=1660133270&sprefix=non+woven+sponge%2Caps%2C75&sr=8-5

And a good video of how to clean ears: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4odbAlDRiz0

None+HlkCbUMiEEbF /r/StandardPoodles
2 points
1970-01-20 02:19:03.54 +0000 UTC

I recommend an anti fungal, yeast and pseudomonas flush. It has been a game changer for gunky poodle ears. I use at bath time plus daily when a poodle has an active infection, and weekly for 1 of my poodles prone to ear infections (super hairy ear canals). One of my vets sold it to me when I had brought in said poodle with hairy ears and I went woah this works. I have since found generics that are less expensive.

From my list of supplies I recommend to my puppy buyers:

Ear Cleaner that I use for my dogs both when they have funky ears and for maintenance to keep them from getting gunky: https://www.amazon.com/Mal-Ket-TrizEDTA-Flush-Dechra/dp/B019WY40FK/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=3UQMZTVFTX4Y4&keywords=mal-a-ket%2Bplus%2Btrizedta%2Bflush&qid=1552329384&s=pet-supplies&sprefix=Mal-A-Ket%2BPlus%2Cpets%2C166&sr=1-1&pldnSite=1&th=1&psc=1. Or Vet Basics ChlorConazole Ear Flush | Revival Animal Health or https://smile.amazon.com/VETNIQUE-LABS-Oticbliss-Anti-Bacterial-Anti-Fungal/dp/B08NTSMX2N/ref=sr\_1\_7?dchild=1&keywords=KETOCONAZOLE+and+CHLORHEXIDINE+ear+cleaner&qid=1627581180&s=pet-supplies&sr=1-7 or Amazon.com : Pet Health Pharma Medicated Flush for Dogs & Cats Chlorhexidine Gluconate 0.2% and Ketoconazole 0.2%-Aloe Vera, Clear The Ear, Head Shaking (Made U.S.A) (12 Oz) : Pet Supplies

Also great video for how to effectively clean ears: https://youtu.be/4odbAlDRiz0

I also find pads/Non woven sponge better for cleaning than cotton balls, learned that at the vet that turned me onto the flush I now recommend, link so you know what I mean: https://smile.amazon.com/Dynarex-Non-Sterile-Woven-Sponge-Count/dp/B0013TXDNI/ref=sr\_1\_4?crid=ZV5EZ0O33VM6&keywords=non%2Bwoven%2Bsponges%2B4x4&qid=1649943383&sprefix=Non%2BWoven%2BSponge%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-4&th=1&psc=1