I use a short-ish kryptonite U-lock through my wheel spokes, or I use my bicycle's Kryptonite chain lock (there was a Warehouse Deal on this one) which just barely fits around the tire and through the rim, it is similar to the one you are looking at. The chain is more visible, which probably helps deter thieves a bit.
At home, I have a longer hex chain around a post, and use the u-lock to connect it to my scooter. I already had the Kryptonite chain and the u-lock, so I didn't need a long chain with an included lock, just one with a ring on one end to loop it around the post. An idea to consider if you have a lock handy already.
One thing to consider is getting a lock from a known brand that offers key replacements, especially if you are like me and lose things often enough. And while that Chinese lock may have a great chain, the lock is probably not so good or strong.
Thanks guys.
I too have have Kryptonite NY, Pinhead skewers and other anti-theft measures (Hexlox, Bordo 6500, Kryptonite Evolution chain). I've managed to get my lights themselves secure (see my post above) so was hoping I'd find something similar for the cameras.
I like the Cycliq in general, but it's the antithesis of the effort I've put into finding and securing lights I don't have to think twice about. Using the Cycliq as my lights also means I need to remember them each time, whereas I've addressed that already with my current lights+lock setup.
For now, I'll buy the cameras and play along with removing them each time (although 90%+ of my journeys are home<->work) and if I come across my ideal solution, I'll post it here. The best idea I've had since is an ugly encasement of plastic to deter bolt cutters.
My front-light is a Sinewave Cycles Beacon which I just got, and intended to leave on the whole time. Ye have reminded me how quick a snip it would be for anyone to steal, although it isn't overtly expensive ($350).
There was a murder on my commuting route this past Friday, so I'm more eager to get cameras now.
I have had to resort to using A big assed chain from the wheel to a post, another big-assed but shorter bicycle chain or ulock through the spokes of the other wheel, and an alarm system - not terribly costly and on my Chinese scooter it is is plug-n-play. And a cover just to add an extra step for a thief to take.
Have had two stolen, one twice lol. Both from my parking lot only a few steps from my door. And both from a lapse in even minimally securing them.
It is pretty easy to pop the steering lock on many scooters just with a sharp jerk, yours could have been wheeled off by a single person just as much as by a crew of thieves.
It doesn't have to necessarily fit around the tire and wheel at all. It is there to keep the wheel from rotating all the way around, on a scooter at least.
I fit mine through the wheel spokes. Of course, this won't work if the slots or spokes in the rim are not big enough. I mainly use my u-lock on the scooter to connect to a chain.
Another option I use that will work around the wheel in the way you want would be a heavy chain lock. I use this one exactly this way:
https://www.amazon.com/Kryptonite-Evolution-Integrated-Chain-Bicycle/dp/B006QN0MIU/I did NOT pay that price, holy cow, but there are other options that will be similar.
A slightly longer version is less https://www.amazon.com/Kryptonite-Evolution-Integrated-Chain-Bicycle/dp/B006QN0MI0
It just fits around the tire and through the wheel enough, and is not a hassle on my 12" scooter wheels.
I must have bought an Amazon Warehouse deal or a returned item, though I did buy it a few years ago.
But you get the idea.
Something that goes through the spokes, on on or both wheels, is a good idea to prevent someone from simply rolling the scooter away after popping the steering lock. I use a good bicycle u-lock, or a super heavy bicycle chain, through the wheels. I make sure that anything I use is kinda visible, as a deterrent. A cover can also act as a deterrent as well.
u-lock (anything similar that fits: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0081UDF58/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
short chain: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006QN0MIU/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
chain2 (long, for fence posts, used with u-lock) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000W0RQY6/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1