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IamABot_v01 /r/AMAAggregator
1 point
1970-01-18 10:50:22.178 +0000 UTC


I'm Scott Galloway, Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern and author of "THE FOUR: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google" AMA!

I recently wrote a book about how Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google are the four most influential companies in the world. I've also started 9 companies. Ask me anything.Proof: https://i.redd.it/w5ie2j9y61rz.jpg

jfk_but_lamer :

Hey Prof! Really like your Youtube Channel! Q: Where do you see the next big

product shift/addition from a major tech firm? I know know Amazon gets into XYZ

new things every year and sees what sticks but where else do you see a company

successful poised to do this?

: profgalloway :


: Think the next big "things" are AI (say that to sound smart,,,still not

: really sure what AI is), voice, and messaging (figuring out how businesses

: leverage voice and messaging). Amazon best positioned across 2 of 3.


rskin111 :

Design a better mouse-trap, or steal a well-designed mouse-trap design and flog


: profgalloway :


: Theft is the better business model. It was America's model in the 19th

: century, and China's in the 20th. Crime...I mean IP theft,,,I mean

: benchmarking,,,I mean inspiration is the best business model. 2nd mouse gets

: the cheese, not the innovator.


dodd1331 :

Hi Scott, Loved the book. You describe how Apple has uniquely positioned

itself as a luxury brand which puts it in the best position for longevity and

differentiation among ‘The Four’ and other tech firms. Do you see any other

technology brand being capable of successfully positioning itself as a luxury

brand, or is Apple a singular case amongst tech brands?

: profgalloway :


: Samsung could be the male version of Apple, but needs to take control of

: their distribution. A Porsche to Apple's Vuitton.


QforProfG :

You love to harp on your prescient predictions. What are some of your biggest


: profgalloway :


: "harp," great word. I get it wrong all the time. Said in 2015 that Amazon

: would decline in value, at hands of Uber. Said Macy's would increase in

: value. Too many to list here.


TurtlesWillFly :

I am looking into starting a clothing company but other than a trendy name and

eye candy-like design, what should I do to get this thriving from the start?

: profgalloway :


: ughhh, tough one. Passion industries are uber hard. Most successful apparel

: firms have genius designer at center. Lately, supply chain innovation (i.e.,

: speed to market) appears to be a point of differentiation. Good luck.


jtempest :

Hi Scott, two questions: 1) Do you prefer we buy your book from Amazon, or

from other? 2) I was sincerely moved by your charity work with Gather for

Goats. Would you consider raising awareness for another urgent cause? I'm

from Sonoma and my entire community is devastated by fire. Hundreds of homes

are destroyed and a few hundred people are still missing. The best way to help

is to donate to [North Bay Fire

Relief](https://www.redwoodcu.org/northbayfirerelief), they are giving 100% of

donations directly to the fire victims.

: profgalloway :


: 1. Probably an independent book store. 2. Happy to, will tweet about it and

: make modest donation.


greenrocket :

What suggestions would you give to a 35 year old person with a background in

finance and economics, who is looking for a new career that will last in our

continuously automating world? What's possible without having to give NYU

Sterns $150k+? Or should I just suck it up and add an MBA to my MA? asking for

a friend... ok im asking for me

: profgalloway :


: apply, see if you get into a top 20 school, and can get

: scholarships/financial aid, while looking for a better job. Let marketplace

: decide.


almondparfitt :

Hi Scott, what's the best piece of advice you'd give for anyone thinking about

starting their own company? Thank you!

: profgalloway :


: Don't,,,unless you have to (entrepreneurs are born, not made). We

: romanticize entrepreneurship, but it's hard....really hard. If you have no

: choice, then find super smart people, throw nickels around like they are

: manhole covers. Find a business w/recurring revenue that is 0 or 1 degree

: from tech.


JoffreyB :

I agree that Detroit would be a great fit for Amazon's HQ2. Another possible

location that makes sense is Puerto Rico. Amazon could still put on their white

hat (which is important considering they need to control public perception to

prevent breakup) and rebuild the island to something far greater than it is now

or ever was before - and in the process, gain actual TERRITORY. They could

start education start ups, build infrastructure, and hurricane proof the

island. The people of Puerto Rico would pledge allegiance to Amazon. I guess I

have to put a question in here so do you think Bezos would conquer the world if

he had the ability to do so? And if so, doesn't an isolated territory in the

Caribbean make for a good place to start?

: profgalloway :


: no chance they's pick Puerto Rico. Think they've already chosen (NYC), just

: going through bidding process to mature a term sheet they put in front of NYC

: Mayor to extract pound of flesh.


slipstreamer22 :

Hi Scott I’m soon to be a university graduate in Australia, where Amazon is

just launching, and am considering working there. My work experience and

universities studies have been in finance and econ and I have experience with

excel modelling and business strategy and analysis. I’ve read ‘The Four and

You’ and liked the advice What career strategy advice do you have specific to

my situation?

: profgalloway :


: If you have the chance to work w/amazon...do it. Also, study hard and be

: nice to your parents Slipstream.


IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 5 Updated at 2017-10-13 11:51:48.011400

This is the final update to this thread