If you get this type of battlemat, just remember to use washable markers, like /u/pcx226 said, or get Staedler non-permanent markers, link below. Never use dry-erase markers because the material is too porous and will be incredibly difficult to clean off. With washable markers and map markers, all you need is to use water and a clean towel. If you leave the drawing on for too long, over a week or so, you will need to clean it with rubbing alcohol, but repeated use of rubbing alcohol will eventually remove the printed lines.
Link as promised: http://www.amazon.com/Staedtler-Lumocolor-Non-Permanent-Projection-superfine/dp/B0007OEDOI/ref=pd_sim_op_5?ie=UTF8&refRID=0N9F7QEREEH8RH8NBWRW
Can confirm. The laminated scratch pad was basically identical to this one from Amazon but white instead of yellow and without Manhattan branding. I also wanted to practice with the actual marker. Here’s the link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0007OEDOI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_G83VD96D8PB2HNJTGPSH?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Is this overboard? Maybe, but I enjoyed practicing my scratch work with the exact setup. I highly recoupment getting the wet erase, fine tip marker.