Hey I just wanted to give an update.
I am looking at the LX model. In the reviews for it on amazon...someone mentioned if I am going to be using this with a standing desk that I shouldbuy the "tall pole" version of it.
Now I can't decide....any advice would be great.
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Got you covered then, get this arm:
I run a small animation studio and we got that for our cintiqs, it solves all the issues for carpal tunnel as it allows you to have the most comfortable position for the tablet.
Hell, my business partner has a chair that allows him to be all the way down like he was laying on a bed and he just moves the monitor to his belly to draw like that when he's feeling extremely lazy xDDDD
Here's a video on how it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ek97VT8n27U
Another solution would be these supports to rest your elbow so that you can have more comfort on drawing on a tablet when the tablet is on your desk:
But if you get the first one you won't need the other one.