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3 comments of this product found across Reddit:
withyouilostmyself /r/JUSTNOMIL
14 points
1970-01-18 12:50:49.538 +0000 UTC

you can try this or this if you want sex-related things..

or baby things if she's crazy about that sort of thing. like pregnancy tests or this or this so that she tries to ruin it for DH if that would be something she does (sorry I don't quite remember all of your stories).

None+AshVUG159Uv6 /r/birthcontrol
1 point
1970-01-18 01:00:19.842 +0000 UTC

I ordered these ones. Tried one yesterday for the hell of it and it seems to work :P

dreamgal042 /r/CautiousBB
4 points
1970-01-18 10:26:05.21 +0000 UTC

I hate when people comment on anything I buy. I try to do self checkout whenever possible, but HPTs come wrapped in non-theft plastic that requires human intervention.

I bought these for my testing compulsion until I was too far along and the line got lighter again from the hook effect.