I see she's Anglican. Not surprised a non-orthodox would say something like this, unfortunately she also studied Byzantine Art at Oxford (not that Oxford is the center of learning about Orthodoxy or anything), so I would've expected her to understand the reason why Byzantine Icons are painted as they are...
For this very reason, we must say away from any writings or cult objects(on Orthodoxy) that have not received the permission and blessings of the Church. Does the book have such a thing on the first few pages? (translation source of my statement: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.ziarullumina.ro/agenda-crestinului/sfaturi-practice-biserica-colportajul-se-face-numai-cu-binecuvantarea-bisericii)
Here are some orthodox books in English, on the subject of Icons:
Forgive me for intruding.