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unrly /r/ResistanceBand
1 point
1970-01-20 07:11:18.671 +0000 UTC

Sorry for the delay! I used this post as the start but had a heck of a time finding the other parts. Their post lists the parts at Home Depot, just make sure to get the smallest nipple that's threads only: https://www.reddit.com/r/homegym/comments/hfffit/diy_x3_bar_heavy_band_training_bar/

Anchor Shackles: 2 Pcs 3/8 Inch 304 Stainless Steel D Ring Shackles 10 mm Screw Pin Anchor Shackle for Traction Steel Wire, 10 mm https://a.co/d/3FaxkAx

Cold Shut: National Hardware N240-382 3153BC Cold Shut in Zinc plated https://a.co/d/f1QTHPg

I also bought this platform that works well and is comparable in width to the real one: Mobility Step Stool,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09QS2ZPVG?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

Bands: SUNPOW Pull Up Assistance Bands - Set of 5 Resistance Heavy Duty Workout Exercise Crossfit Stretch Fitness Bands Assist Set for Body, Instruction Guide and Carry Bag Included https://a.co/d/8nZ0imk

It works really well. I think I got a longer pipe so it does bend in the anchor shackles and rubs due to the tapered nature of the length of the bar and width of the platform, but it does not hinder any exercises.