How do you feel about this setup? I like the idea you said of the DHP setup with a dimmer thermostat.
VE 200 thermostat
Zoo Med 75 DHP lamp bulb
I was going to leave that zilla fixture on top as well because it has the two uvb lights. I'll take out the heat bulb and one of the uvb bulbs so it just has the one uvb located on the cool side of the tank and then put the DHP on the right side of the tank. Do you feel like this would be adequate? Or is the zilla fixture unnecessary?
To be honest I chose the DHP setup because I'm my head it sounds easier even though thatd probably not the reality of it. But I understand the DHP setup more and am pretty confident based on what you said and a little bit of my own research that it should suffice? Also it looks like the ve 200 has a night drop capability so I'm assuming I can adjust the temps to replicate a cooler night? Lol let me know what you think and Noodle and I are super greatful you took all this time out of your day to help us!