You'll pickup the CBS affiliate (which used to be based out of Bloomington) with one of those antennas, WTIU as well, as well as a few other stations, but none of the other big name stations.
No tv antenna on the market has a 200 mile range in actuality.
I currently use this antenna, and this pre-amp. Mounted on top of my house using a tripod and a 10 foot mast. I can pickup all of the Terre Haute stations, and several Louisville ones, but ABC, Fox, NBC in Indy are elusive at best. Here is my channel list as I write this comment.
The digital TV signals you are trying to receive are making two bounces off of the ground/atmosphere before they make it here. This is what causes all sorts of issues. If you want to learn more on this, may I recommend, it's a great resource.
May the odds be ever in your favor.
I'm on the opposite side of St. Louis. I'm probably a little closer at around 70 miles away, maybe. Anyway, I'm basically doing what you want to do in reverse. I pick up the St. Louis stations and pick up a couple Cape locals on the backside of my antenna.
As far as gear, I'm using an Channelmaster 4228HD and a Channel Master 7777 High Gain preamp I have no affiliation or preference for Channel Master, it just happened. Anyway, with this setup, I can get all the St. Louis full power stations (2,4,5,9,11,24,30) and two from Cape on the backside (12,23). I receive 46 about half the time. I will occasionally receive a few of the southern Illinois stations but I've not optimized (aimed) my setup for those.
Actually with this setup, I once received all your locals via ducting for a few hours.
As they say, buy once, cry once. Don't chase around with those garbage Amazon antennas. Get a big antenna from a reputable company i.e. Channel Master, Winegard, Antennas Direct etc. Then get a decent preamp also from a reputable company. Redo your wiring with new RG6 with NO splices or splitters. Finally point your antenna toward the St. Louis cluster of stations (you have enough dbs to receive you locals without pointing. I think you'll be able to get those St. Louis stations especially since you received them on a garbage antenna.
I get good steady signals from cities 60+ miles away and I have picked up stations over 100 miles away but it is very rare.. maybe once a month for an evening.
All of the antennas you linked to are not long distance antennas.. for that you need a full size antenna and a strong amplifier
and you would need to mount that as high as you possibly can.. on a roof or maybe on a free standing antenna tower. however I am not saying you will get 100 miles with that setup.. probably less.. but you will get 60-70 miles pretty well.