was hoping they had those gater mats for my 2013, but no such luck.
i find the factory headlights to be some of the brigher headlights out there. never understood the need to go brighter in these trucks.
that said, one of my favorite mods are some ditch lights tied into my high beams. they offer some serious deer protection as they light up next to the road very well. helps a lot when im driving back roads to my cabin. with one flip of the oem switch im back to low beams.
another favorite mod is a center console tray.
i got this one:
https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B08T19XMZZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 only cause it was on sale. there are dozens that will work fine. it is made for the 2014-2021 trucks, but a bit of dremeling and it works great on the 2nd gen.
other favorites are a AA headunit with reverse cam, reverse lights(same as OPs), air bags for hauling pellets... and of course the 5100 leveling shocks with 1+ oversized k02s.
i have a softopper on the way that im pretty excited for.