So we’ve had two TPLOs and then this year had an extra suture (lateral suture, if your vet isn’t putting this in with the TPLO you should ask why as it’s gaining a lot of popularity with vets even in big dogs). From our experience:
1) Akitas won’t go where they don’t want to. It’s tough enough watching your dog go three/four days without pooping after the surgery meds, you want to do all you can to get them somewhere to relieve themselves. Akitas also are so clean they really won’t go “inside” unless they absolutely have to, and then they’ll really be miserable. It probably feels like plugging someone’s toilet on a first date and asking for a plunger-mortifying embarrassment and shame. Even our senior dogs cowered after peeing near a door when we’ve never punished a dog for going inside.
2) We’ve done the towel. It works in a pinch. But you’ll need to support his back end for a while, and then also be super careful if the ground is uneven or slippery. You might even want to use it in your apt to help him on/off furniture fo a while well after the vet said it’s ok. So, my advice: the towel SUCKS. Your hand cramps, it slips a bit, you need to open a door and then have to re-gather the whole thing while managing the leash in the other hand and then with your fourth hand pick up the poop. Towel method SUCKS for longer than 10 seconds. Also, unfortunately, many dogs that do one side need surgery on the other as well, so you’re likely to do this all again. My vet released our dog with a lift like this one and even at Specialty Vet Markup Prices© I don’t think they charged us much, maybe $10-15. Adjustable holds are great if more than one person is caring for him; I also like to wear the handles over my elbow or shoulder (like carrying a purse) in case I need to use my hands for doors, phone, poop bags, etc.
3) I’m sure you’re well aware of the importance of keeping your dog slim from now on. But there are also a LOT of exercises (just like PT for humans) that you can do to build up your dog’s back end and possibly delay/prevent further injury, even to the other side. Find a Canine PT in your area. Completely non-surgical rehab might even be an option for you. We just took a fantastic online class though Fenzi, “Those Bum Knees”, where we got private feedback and supervision on exercises I’m going to keep doing. The instructor is a human-turned-canine PT and fantastic, tons of experience, if you’re interested she may be offering the class again after you’ve been given the 8-10 week all-clear.
4) They sell folding steps for your car that attach in the rear hitch. These are pricey. We used a metal milk crate instead, can be found at yard sales or sometimes antique stores. When your dog is feeling a bit better and walking a bit, load him up and take him to a nearby park. Even if it’s a 30 min drive and only a 5 min walk, just letting him explore a different area really makes them feel better. Also just sitting in the grass is such a nice change from the kitchen or wherever you’ve had him confined for weeks. Good luck!!