but you can get a 6 pack of the same for $37, I would do that if I were to do it again. Or get a couple of the Canadian Glencairins as well to see which you like better.
Its technically a canadian whiskey glass, but its an awesome glass for some high gravity beers and is actually what the Bruery's black tuesday glasses are.
Room temp is good for whiskey. Don't worry about special ice or water. Maybe also have a small bottle of water on hand in case she wants to add a splash.
If you're not sure if she likes ice or not then I'd go with Canadian Glencairn Glasses. They've got the tulip shape which helps enhance the nose but they're wide enough to accommodate ice unlike other tulip-shaped glasses.
IDK but i got some a while back..
just found it in my amazon history paid ~$13 for this. its a lot more now... https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005LSA4GQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1